Wednesday, February 2, 2011

In the Center of a Blizzard

For days now, I have heard about the upcoming blizzard that would hit the area of the world I live in.  Winds of 40 mph, snow drifts and white-out conditions. 

For weeks now, I have had doubts and unanswered questions relating to my life and my faith.  A spiritual blizzard that has me asking questions such as where exactly am I at now?  Where would I like to be this time next year?  Will the actions I take today get me to where I need to be?  And will they get me there in the manner I would like?

These are some of the questions I will delve into very soon.  When I get a moment (which means late at night and everyone is FINALLY in bed) I will write of these things and hopefully be an encouragement to someone. 

In the center of all of this is God.  All of these questions blur into one and become so much more simpler if I keep my eyes on Him.  That is not always easy to do.  Without thinking, I sometimes take charge of my life then wonder why everything is not on an even keel.

Here is something I try to remind myself of when things get too hectic.  I found it on a site called Jesus Quotes, and it is always reassuring:  "Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Please feel free to comment or make posts.

Keep your faith and continue praying.

Lea Ann